Useful tips on doing away with the monotony of summer in the office.
Confession: The hardest part about this gorgeous summer, we find, is being cooped up indoors in an office (even when you have an amazing office space).
Have you ever felt that it is near impossible to focus for an entire day on your work in the office when you know it’s warm and beautiful outside? Do you ever find it immensely challenging to keep your employees engaged and focused during this time? We get it. We feel it too!
For those of us who are in a position to affect change in the office, here are a few great suggestions we found in our research online that will do away with the monotony of the summer months.

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1. Empathize with your Employees
Understanding the situation from the point of view of your team is always the first step to finding a solution to keeping everyone engaged.
2. Plan an Outing or Team-Building Event
With everyone yearning to break away from the ennui brought on by routine, nothing screams team-building like a special event. Be it a volunteering opportunity or something social like a BBQ or picnic, this is a sure way to bring back that energy and encourage more team spirit at the workplace.
3. Try Something New
Summer months are a great testing ground for new company initiatives; whether it means experimenting with new operational systems or the way in which your employees interact with each other. Suggestions range from redecorating the office, introducing a new product that you would like to test first before rolling out completely or something more informal like an office-wide lunch meeting once a week.
4. Set Summer Goals
How fun would it be to add a little bit of healthy competition with a great incentive to your office! Creating an office-wide contest that lasts through the summer is a brilliant way to keep up the momentum of work and also breed some healthy competition within the team.
5. Summer Treats for the Office
Take a look at your office kitchen and find a way to provide your staff a treat or two. From special biscotti or candy to iced coffee and tea beverages (try adding an Ice Machine to your office counter!). There is a possibility that we may be a little biased about this option; firstly because we love treats (who doesn’t!?) and secondly, because we believe that nothing is more invigorating than a cold cup of iced coffee or tea to make you feel like you’re enjoying a little bit of that summer (while still indoors).
6. Green Your Office Space
Did you know that office plants can be good for you? It’s true. Not only can plants enhance the overall appearance of the office, but they can also reduce stress, increase productivity, eliminate air pollutants and toxins, and stimulate your brain. Not to mention, bringing the outdoors - indoors - can make the summer office experience a much more enjoyable one!
Have you tried anything else in the office that has done wonders to employee morale and productivity? We’d love to hear about the exciting things you have implemented in your office! Reach out to us in the comment box below, via email at [email protected], on our Facebook timeline or on Twitter about your fun office summer plans!